'Deredia in Miami: A Bridge of Light,' permanece en Miami

La celebrada exhibición está aquí para quedarse

The city of Miami has hosted the exhibition of monumental sculptures at Maurice A. Ferré Park since the 12th of October 2022, with the promise of remaining there until the 31st of March 2023. However, after the exhibition's major success in attracting spectators and enhancing the beauty of Miami's landscape, the city has decided to extend its stay until January 7th, 2024.


In this exhibition, the circular and ovoid shapes present in the artist's sculptures accompany the viewer on a fluid and harmonious path which becomes a wonderful open-air gallery. The grand-scale sculptures by Jiménez Deredia encourage the dialogue between art and public spaces as a vital and socially relevant form. The extension of the artworks' stay in the park is without a doubt great news for the city and all art lovers who have the opportunity of visting the exhibition.

Febrero 22, 2023
de 24